Eyes Wide Open as L’Oréal Paris Unveils New Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara

Eyes Wide Open as L'Oréal Paris Unveils New Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara_Image 2 (1)Eyes Wide Open as L'Oréal Paris Unveils New Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara_Image 1

In the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s cultural hub, an event unfolded, marrying the elegance of French cinema with the transformative power of beauty. L’Oréal Paris, renowned for its commitment to empowerment and innovation, unveiled its latest masterpiece at the luxurious Aurum Theatre at The Exchange TRX. The spotlight was on the brand’s newest innovation: the L’Oréal Paris Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara, inviting everyone to see the world through a panoramic lens.

Embodying the sophistication and allure of Parisian beauty, this groundbreaking mascara promises to widen the eyes by 1.4 times, offering a clump-free, flake-resistant, and smudge-resistant wear for up to 24 hours. More than just a cosmetic, the Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara encourages wearers to let their eyes narrate their stories, mirroring the transformative perspective that panorama brings.

The launch event was nothing short of spectacular, immersing attendees in an experience that celebrated empowerment and cinematic beauty. From the opulent red carpet walk to exclusive product trials, guests were invited to indulge in the allure of cinematic beauty while experiencing firsthand the transformative power of panorama.

In a meaningful collaboration with Alliance Française de Kuala Lumpur (AFKL), L’Oréal Paris also brought the enriching experience of French cinema to Malaysia, emphasizing shared values of celebrating artistic excellence, cinematic glamour, and women’s empowerment through cultural exchange. The partnership, which has been ongoing, highlights a commitment to fostering meaningful connections and inspiring individuals through the medium of film.

As a highlight of the evening, attendees were treated to an exclusive screening of ‘Divertimento’, a film directed by the critically acclaimed Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar. Set against the backdrop of Paris in 1995, the movie follows the inspiring journey of Zahia and Fettouma as they defy societal norms and expand their horizons in the world of classical music. The film resonated deeply with L’Oréal Paris’s mission to celebrate diversity and encourage individuals to embrace their worth, echoing the brand’s iconic tagline #BecauseYoureWorthIt.

Jaren Ong, Marketing Director for L’Oréal Paris MYSG, emphasized the brand’s commitment to empowerment and celebrating individual worth: “Our Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara invites you to see beauty in all its dimensions. Just as our collaboration with Alliance Française de Kuala Lumpur broadens cultural horizons, this event underscores L’Oréal Paris’s commitment to empowering individuals and celebrating their unique experiences and self-worth. Through our partnership, we bring the enriching experience of French cinema to Malaysia, inspiring and uplifting audiences. Together, we reinforce that every individual is worthy of embracing their unique identity with confidence and authenticity.”

The event drew a distinguished crowd of industry partners, stakeholders, members of the media, and social media influencers, all united in their shared appreciation for cinematic excellence and the celebration of individual worth. It was a testament to L’Oréal Paris’s unwavering dedication to empowerment and its belief in the transformative power of beauty.

As the curtains closed on the evening’s festivities, one thing was clear: L’Oréal Paris had once again raised the bar, inviting everyone to see the world through a panoramic lens, where beauty knows no bounds, and empowerment reigns supreme.

*The L’Oréal Paris Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara is available on Shopee, Lazada, L’Oréal Paris’s Official TikTok Shop, alongside Watsons and Guardian outlets across Malaysia and Singapore.


巴黎欧莱雅全新丰盈全景防水睫毛膏 拓展视野实现自我价值

广受赞誉的知名美容品牌巴黎欧莱雅(L’Oréal Paris)再展现其创新实力,推出全新产品——巴黎欧莱雅丰盈全景防水睫毛膏(L’Oréal Paris Voluminous Panorama Waterproof Mascara),诚邀大家以全景视角探索世界。在此次活动中,巴黎欧莱雅在The Exchange TRX奢华精致的Aurum Theatre影院独家放映电影《Divertimento》,以电影美学的形式庆祝 “她”力量,进一步体现品牌对女性赋权和颂扬自我价值的承诺。



另外,独家放映的电影《Divertimento》也是此次合作的一大亮点。这部电影由备受赞誉的导演Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar执导,讲述了在1995年的巴黎,Zahia和Fettuouma这对双胞胎姐妹在古典音乐世界中挑战社会规范,拓展视野的启发人心之旅。通过这对双胞胎姐妹的旅程展示了坚韧和决心的变革性力量。巴黎欧莱雅冀望通过这部影片,唤起人们对赋权和包容各人独特性的反思,同时也诚邀所有人以广阔的审美,自信和真实的情感塑造属于自己的故事。


巴黎欧莱雅马新营销总监Jaren Ong表示:“我们的丰盈全景防水睫毛膏邀请您以全方位维度欣赏美。就像我们与吉隆坡法国文化协会的合作拓展文化视野一样,巴黎欧莱雅雅冀望通过此次活动强调赋权个体的重要性,庆祝他们独特的经历和自我价值。通过双方合作,我们将法国丰富的观影体验带到马来西亚,希望借此激励和鼓舞观众,强调每个人都值得以自信和真实的态度拥抱自己独特的身份。”

*巴黎欧莱雅丰盈全景防水睫毛膏现已在Shopee、Lazada、巴黎欧莱雅官方TikTok Shop,以及全马屈臣氏(Watsons)和万宁(Guardian)门市出售。

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